More than just a Computer Project - A Doorway to Social Change

Children are avid and skilled explorers of technology – it always amazes me what they know or what they can do with a laptops, cell phones, mp3 devices or even the internet. Educators recognize this ability as well, and there have been multiple movements to get computers into classrooms including Computers for Schools (CFS), Renewed Computer Technology, and even One Laptop Per Child.

However, having computers and hardware is only one part of the solution. Without the appropriate software or “learning environment”, it is difficult for children to be fully engaged and curious about the wonders and abilities of technology. Computers in classrooms are not only meant for using Microsoft Word, PowerPoint presentations, or surfing the web – they can be used constructively to improve literacy, numeracy, and even teach beginner’s computer programming!

With ELDER, I hope to provide educators and students with the educational software tools necessary to transform their classroom computer into a healthy learning environment where everyone can learn, create and share for life. The ELDER project also extends beyond software – it is about creating better access to educational and job opportunities, creating a medium for health information dissemination and health literacy for youth, finding ways to preserve First Nations culture and language, and providing tools to direct attention to other social determinants of health such as poverty and inadequate housing conditions. ELDER is community owned and with generous support by K-NET, we hope to see the software delivered or installed in communities which request it. Most of all ELDER will remain free to everyone and open source, so that everyone can contribute, have access to, and improve for generations to come!

ELDER is a project for everyone, by everyone. I sincerely hope that it can contribute to the learning, success and health of northern students, schools and communities in the future.

Unlock educational opportunities with ELDER today!