What is a "Distribution"?


Qimo (pronounced “kim-oh”, as in “Eskimo”) is a kid-friendly desktop environment that comes preinstalled with educational activities for kids including TuxPaint, Laby, GCompris, Tuxmath, and Tuxtyping. There are large colourful icons and menus that can help young users navigate easily through it, and it is aimed for early elementary school-aged children, ages 3 and up. Unlike Edubuntu, Qimo not only targets a separate age group but can also be easily installed on a separate stand alone computer for classrooms and homes.

QIMO is already a great hit with the kids in Pikangikum!  It has been used on a smartboard (below) and runs well on older/refurbished computers!

QIMO smartboard


Learn more about ELDER in Pikangikum at:


To find out more information relating to QIMO, please visit http://www.qimo4kids.com/