2 Writing Through The Lens: Creating Camera Narratives
2.3 Lesson plan #1

Using The Camera To Tell A Story

The Single Photo Short Story

Lesson plan #1

Lesson Plan Title: Who? What? When? Where? Why?

Concept / Topic To Teach: Learning to “read” a photo

General Goal(s): Students will become familiar with how to look at a photo and analyze what information the photographer is giving the viewer.

Specific Objectives:

Required Materials:




to find families, sports, children, teenagers, tourists). These images should include enough information that consensus on most of the 5 W’s can be reached.

Anticipatory Set (Lead-In):

Students should be familiar with the words they will need to use in order to analyze and hypothesize effectively

Step-By-Step Procedures:

Plan For Independent Practice:

Assessment Based On Objectives: