Book Chapters and Journal Articles
#50 (2013)

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Publication #50 2013, May - Videoconferencing for First Nations Community-Controlled Education, Health and Development.

Reference: O’Donnell, S., Johnson, L., Katepetum-Schultz, T., Burton, K., Whiteduck, T., Mason, R., Beaton, B., McMahon, R., Gibson, K. (2013) Videoconferencing for First Nations Community-Controlled Education, Health and Development. The Electronic Journal of Communication. 23 (1&2)

Abstract : Videoconferencing is a powerful tool that First Nations in Canada are using to create communication spaces for local control of community services and community development. For First Nations in Canada, videoconferencing sessions are alternative public spheres for engagement and interaction outside of mainstream control. This article discusses how First Nations are using videoconferencing to create and support community-controlled education and training, health services, and other community development activities. Perspectives of a videoconferencing bridge coordinator and a case study from Keewaywin First Nation are discussed.Challenges for videoconferencing in First Nations are reviewed, followed by some thoughts about the future of videoconferencing in these unique communities.