#27 (2011)

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Publication #27 2011, April - Videoconferencing User- Guide for Teachers and Students Participating in Post-Secondary Education Courses in Remote and Rural First Nations Communities

Reference: Woodman Simmonds, J., Wasacase, T., Ward, S., O’Donnell, S. (2011) Videoconferencing User- Guide for Teachers and Students Participating in Post-Secondary Education Courses in Remote and Rural First Nations Communities. Fredericton: The VideoCom Project

Abstract: This user-guide is for teachers and students involved in post-secondary distance education (especially in remote and rural First Nations communities) who are considering using videoconferencing technology to communicate. It assumes that some people will have little or no experience with videoconferencing and might also have objections to the technology itself or to the ways it is often marketed as an absolute solution to accessing quality education.