Change Request Process

The following process is required for ALL requests for changes, customizations, and additions – whether you are looking for additional fields, new reports, changes to reports, new module development, etc.:

1. When a request comes from the school level, they submit it to the FNSSP Liason Worker who is overseeing the Dadavan Outcomes project at the school.

2. The FNSSP Liason forwards this request to the NAN FNSSP Database Manager at K-Net (Jesse Fiddler) who is responsible for approving customization or modifications to Outcomes reviews the request.

3. When the request is approved, a Change Request Form is completed and forwarded to Dadavan.

4. The Dadavan Project Manager reviews the request with the development and technical teams. The request should be as detailed as possible to ensure the development and technical teams fully understand the request.

5. Dadavan Project Manager provides a quotation with the estimated cost as well as the expected date of completion to the band/board representative.

Please note: any changes made for one school affects all schools using Outcomes in the band/board. It is strongly advised that one person at the band/board level ensure that the request is acceptable to all schools prior to submitting the request.

Download Change Request Form - MS Word Document