Contribute to Wikipedia


Wikipedia is the worlds largest free encyclopedia. It is also open for anyone to contribute - this means that you can directly change Wikipedia pages and contribute to the worlds largest free knowledge resource! All this can be done using the Browse Activity.

Lets look at an example. I will open the English Wikipedia page on bicycles(  ) :


We can read this page and learn all about bicycles but we can also add our own information to the page for others to read and benefit. To do this we simply click on the 'edit this page' link :


Now the look of the page will change :


The box you see with all the text actually contains the same text as you saw before except that you can now change it. You do this by simply typing in the box and adding, moving, or deleting text. You can add any information you think would be a good addition. When you are finished you need to click on the outside of the box and use the down-arrow on the keyboard to scroll down to the "Save page" button.


Press the "Save page" button - your additions will be saved and you will have made your first contribution to the worlds largest free encylopedia!